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thanks im thinking tegu too np

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Posted by jack7777766 on May 05, 2003 at 19:41:56:

In Reply to: ackies vs Argentine b&w posted by grnbasilisk on May 05, 2003 at 19:10:11:

:i would agree. it is very difficult to tame monitors if you don't have experience. there is a lot more time involved. if you do get a monitor obviously make sure you get a young one ( 2months or older) and make sure if you get it from a pet store it has been there for atleast 4 days in case it is really docile from being stressed out when you take a look at it. also see if they'll let it eat in front of you just in case. my friend had a bad experience with a savannah not eating and they're the hardiest ones you can get. i'd personally go with a tegu, which is why i have one along with a lot of other people on here. any questions and i'm sure everyone else will be a bit help. goodluck

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