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Shedding problem

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Posted by modsquad5150 on May 02, 2003 at 08:50:36:

In Reply to: Shedding problem posted by russ1066 on May 01, 2003 at 23:32:58:

: Reds need more vit C in there diet then all other tegus . Try kiwi,straberry,red pepper, mango,and If you can findit , quava. It has 4x`s The Vit C than does Kiwi. My Chacoan male does not eat much fruit either. This is how I get Thoes needed vit to my tegu . I use a thawed out warmed up pre killed rat to sent the fruit , buy rubbing it on the fruit . Then I( this is kinda gross) Impale the rats stomach with a wooden shishkabob ( pre killed), buy puting it down Its throat, and jabbing it three or four times . Then I blend the fruit in my food proseser.( i use mago and kiwii mix).Then I use a bird seringe to load the med rat with 1-2ozs of fruit, buy inserting it in its mouth. The sergige I found at pet smart .It has a plastic tub that fits in the rats throught. . My tegus skin is in great shape . Also give your tegu a hide box and spry it every day. Reds need a higher humidity 80%. I hope this helps .Good Luck Russ

thanks for the advice russ, though a little graphic! No I'm fine with doing that stuff...and i work in a pharmacy so i even have a few of those syringes ur talking about...that sounds likea good idea...i haven't been using the hide box in my enclosure because h naturally hides under the mulch...i have a 6'2'2' enclosure...i layded down that green lizard carpet then covered it with a layer of its a little deep...he goes right under the carpet and burrows....but i'll try a hide box. Thanks for the advice, very helpful.


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