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Paraguay Vrs. Argentines

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Posted by Rollin on April 24, 2003 at 22:00:42:

In Reply to: Paraguay Black and White posted by SteveH on April 24, 2003 at 17:10:34:

I don't think there is much difference between the two. I wouldn't be surprised if they have different markings like different spots, or more white etc.. but they are the same species. If you look at a map Paraguay and Argentina share a long border that runs NS and WE. Chaco (chacoan) is part of Paraguay and stretches further into northern Argentina. Brazil is also there so I'd expect some are also from there. We could try to do comparison pics but there might not be enough people that frequent here to get a good impression of what the different markings might be. It will be hard to verify whether the breeders have a pure stock because most tegus on the market are CB so they have probably been mixing regional tegus for years. I can contribute what I know about mine : in the pic the one on the top is from Bert says it is from Argentina, the one on the bottom is from Ron calls it chacoan. The main difference in mine is the spots on the legs, big black spot behind head above the front legs, and the amount of white in general. If you get Berts video you can see wild one's from Argentina (I think he mentioned Buenos Aires), they are white headed and seem to have a lot of white in the body too. I'd like to see your Paraguay to compare if you can : ).

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