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Posted by Gary D. on April 21, 2003 at 23:19:29:

In Reply to: Care Sheets.....Colombian and Argentine posted by Tuataras on April 21, 2003 at 20:12:25:

I had kept an adult golden tegu for about 5 years quite some time ago (more than 10 years), and unfortunately, back then any good info seemed few and far between. Even today the only mention I see on tegus in books are a couple of pages thrown in with moniters. Even the zoo didn't offer much help and in retrospect their's wasn't that healthy and way overweightSince then I have been keeping and breeding primarily boas (3.4, B.c.i. and B.c.c.). In addition I have a Jungle Carpet python and two Chameleons (0.2 veiled and panther).

Now as for my setup for this fellow, he is in a 72" x 32" x 25" enclosure, with 6-8" of cypruss. He will also get plenty supervised romp time in my office if he wants it (open door policy when I'm in there). I am currently considdering using active UV lamps, but in Canada are priced unrealistically ($150.00 for a 160W powersun). This is why I have been asking about opinions on active UV bulbs. Also any dietary input on what you might recommend through your experiences will be appreciated as well.
I have already poured through and book marked those web pages a few times, as they by far have had the best info I have been able to find. Any other recommend reading would be a nice touch too.
Thanks for your willingness to help.

:Hi, it would be helpful if you would share some more information about you and your Tegus. First off, I am unclear on your reptile experience: are you saying that you have some experience, just not with Tegus? What is the current set-up; what are you doing for housing, basking, etc. for the Tegus. You can find care sheets for Argentine Tegus at In general, care of Argentine and Columbian Tegus are the same. To see the difference On this page Bert Langerwerf mentions physical, temperamental, and diet differences between the two.

:Good Luck!

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