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Re: Making a columbian B/W tegu Tame?.................

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Posted by Blakes_girl on April 14, 2003 at 21:36:13:

In Reply to: Making a columbian B/W tegu Tame?................. posted by crazydago18 on April 14, 2003 at 20:15:00:

Hello! I'm going to have to disagree with the commong response of getting an argentine. I too have a comumbian and I wouldn't trade him for anything! Blake is definitely my favorite of my lizards!! The only thing that I really differing between columbians and aregentines is that the columbians just take a little bit more work than the argentines.

I have worked with Blake every day for the past year and he really is an angel and very well behaved. At first, I seriously would spend about 45 min. a day just slowly getting him out of his cage. Getting him to the point where he wasn't ready to tear my fingers off and would let me just reach in and take him out. And it's so worth.

I say just work with your tegu every day if possible. Even better is if you pick the same time every day. They really like the regularity. Just keep at it and I think yours will turn out to be every bit as great as an argentine.:)


:ive got a 12 inch long columbian B/W tegu whom seems to be fairly well tempered most of the time. ive heard many bad things about the temperment of these tegus and every one just says to get an "argentine" id like to try to get the columbian tame before he gets to big to be agressive and hurt me. Am i wasting my time basicaly, or can it be done? I realy like this little guy and dont want to see him get vicious. any info or ideas let me know. thanks -nick-

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