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Re: Temperment Question for Baby Red

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Posted by Rollin on April 11, 2003 at 22:06:28:

In Reply to: Temperment Question for Baby Red posted by nemoray on April 11, 2003 at 08:38:43:

:I assume his behavior is like that of a baby king snake. They are jumpy and flighty as juvies, but become calmer and tractable as they grow. Is this "normal" behavior for a baby tegu. I do not wish to stress him. He has no problem with me being in the room or sitting next to the enclosure, but reaching in scares him pretty well. I assume with gentleness, and patience he will calm as he grows. Am I right? Thanks.


Your right they naturally do get much tamer with age. Not only that but they are quite smart for reptiles so they also learn that they don't have to worry about you. It's normal for a baby to do this and is probably a good sign. If they are in bad shape they'll get docile and nonreactive as I'm sure king snakes would. Consider yourself lucky you can sit next to the enclosure without him getting nervous, that's the first step. Try not reaching in from above him if possible, mine feel more secure if I approach with my hand at their level. Don't be too worried about scaring him. As long as he has a hide spot and he doesn't feel that your infringing on him while he's trying to be secure by cornering him.

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