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Re: Baby Red Tegu problem

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Posted by Phil Mc on April 05, 2003 at 18:42:50:

In Reply to: Baby Red Tegu problem posted by nemoray on April 05, 2003 at 18:28:21:

:Hi. I have been raising snakes for many years, but lizards are relatively foriegn to me. I have had a baby tegu for about three days now, and this evening when I arived home I noticed a behavior that has me worried. Maybe one of you can be of help. The baby red was lying on his basking rock and was exhibiting what can only be described as twitching or minute muscular contractions. These are visible in the limbs and the toes. The baby is temporarily in a 20 long aquarium with a substrate of repti-bark. I have a spot lamp on one end which raises the basking temp to 100 degrees. The other end of the cage is 80 degrees. I have been feeding him gut loaded crickets, mealworms, and one pinky. He also has a hide box. The water is fresh. I have not treated the cage for mites, although I did notice one white mite of some kind in the substrate. What is or what would cause the twitching. Sorry for the long post, but this is my first lizard, and I am perplexed. Since I am not that familiar with lizards I may be chasing nothing, but I want to be sure. Any quick responces would be appreciated. I can be emailed directly at Thanks, Ray
It sounds like the start of MBD(metoblic bone disease),they are omnivores, unlike snakes, it is a good idea to use uvb/uva lighting, and supplement the insects with minerall, or another good source of calcium with vit. d3, until it is eating adult mice, pinkies are not to good for them as they are high in fat, and and their skeleton is not fully formed; hope this helps some...

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