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Re: Sinking the New Code

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Posted by Richard Wells on March 11, 2002 at 00:55:14:

In Reply to: Sinking Nomen oblitums under the new code posted by Scott Thomson on March 07, 2002 at 13:54:23:

Hello Scott,

There was nothing inaccurate in my post regarding older synonymic names and I suggest that you read it again.

Dr Wuster's comments were good...and of course accurate on the finer points of the application of the Code in regards to such 'problems'.

I trust that your sole reliance on the literal and legal interpretation of the Code in such matters may give you comfort and indeed strength in your responses to others. However, don't insult my intelligence by conveniently ignoring how the Articles of the Code are being manipulated to destroy the prior work of others.

Despite its obvious strengths, the Code AND the Commission have failed miserably in numerous matters that have ultimately undermined the task of naming organisms.

I believe that the Code has been effectively hijacked by a handful of control freaks whose basic objective is to orchestrate who does what in taxonomy.

I shall soon be writing on the Code of Zoological Nomenclature and the actions of certain Commissioners and their lap-dog taxonomy groupies over the last 25 years. And I respectfully suggest that you and others think very carefully before embarking upon any more crusades of suppression and control.

I saw your other nonsense in relation to a list of approved journals in taxonomy. Far from creating stability, this would be the perfect act to unleash total chaos in systematics.

Oh and by the way Scott, your example of Varanus varius was well chosen, because as you obviously know it has a real earlier senior synonym - not a 'hypothetical' one. That the name hasn't been erected to replace varius by me has not been because I was afraid of any possible resulting instability. I am not all worried by change, as I adapt rapidly, and move on in my understanding.

Yours Systematically,

Richard Wells

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