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Agkistrodon bilineatus lemosespinali?????...

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Posted by Jeremy on July 23, 2002 at 08:59:01:

Hi all,
After scrolling through Wolfgang's site I see that a new ssp of Agkistrodon bilineatus, A.b.lemosespinali has been discribed based on a single specimen found around Palma Sola, Veracruz(Smith & Chizar, 2001)In this paragraph of info, it states that this helps fill the gap in Cantil distribution on the Eastern Coast of Mexico were there was previously a huge gap between A.taylori(Northeastern Mexico)and the ssp of bilineatus, A.b.russeolus(Southeastern Mexico, Yucatan Penninusla)distribution. Last year A.taylori was lifted to its own sp status and I am wondering if this new discovery will change the recent elevation of Agkistrodon taylori? I belive DNA test proved taylori to be seperate, along with its far removed ditribution from other ssp of Cantil and its strong sexual dimorphisim but since this new ssp has been found which fills in the gap, are they going to bring back the ssp, A.b.taylori?

Welp, just wondering if any of you guys know whats the most recent thinking on this situation is or if anyone can put me in contact with whomever maybe working with the complex.

Welp, thanks in advance!

All the best,
Jeremy, the Agkistrodon addict!

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