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(Section 4: Snakes & Turtles) Catalog of California

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Posted by Will on June 22, 2002 at 06:42:33:


Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Threadsnake, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Blind Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Leptotyphlops humilis, Western Blind Snake
L. h. cahuilae, Desert Blind Snake
L. h. humilis, Southwestern Blind Snake

CHARINA (Rubber and Rosy Boa)
Charina bottae, Rubber Boa
C. b. bottae, Northern Rubber Boa
Subspecies recognize by Crother (2000) and Stebbins (1985)
C. b. umbratica, Southern Rubber Boa
Subspecies recognize by Crother (2000) and Stebbins (1985)
Charina trivirgata, Rosy Boa
Conflict of scientific name recognition. Crother, Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advises Lichanura trivirgata, while Collins (1997) advise Charina trivirgata and site Powell, Collins (1997) and Hooper (1998, A Key to the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Continental United States and Canada. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. vi + 131 pp.) In addition, Rodriguez-Robles, Bell and Greene (1999 Journal of the Zoological Society of London 248: 49-58) that recognize this lineage as a member of the genus Charina.
* Following subspecies, possess identical fault.
C. t. gracia, Desert Rosy Boa
C. t. roseofusca, Coastal Rosy Boa

DIADOPHIS (Ringneck Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Ring-necked Snake, while Collins (1997) Stebbins (1985) and Behler (1979) advise Ringneck Snake.
Diadophis punctatus, Ringneck Snake
D. p. amabilis, Pacific Ringneck Snake
D. p. modestus, San Bernardino Ringneck Snake
D. p. occidentalis, Northwestern Ringneck Snake
D. p. pulchellus, Coral-bellied Ringneck Snake
D. p. regalis, Regal Ringneck Snake
D. p. similis, San Diego Ringneck Snake
D. p. vandenburghii, Monterey Ringneck Snake
CONTIA (Sharp-tailed Snake)
Contia tenuis, Sharp-tailed Snake

PHYLLORHYNCHUS (Leaf-nosed Snake)
Phyllorhynchus decurtatus, Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake

Coluber mormon, Western Racer
Conflict of scientific and standard name recognition. Crother (2000) and Stebbins (1985) advise Coluber constrictor, Western Yellow-bellied Racer, while Collins (1997) advises Coluber mormon, Western Racer. Collins (1997) sites several recommendations that Coluber mormon is disconnect from Coluber constrictor.

MASTICOPHIS (Coachwhip and Whipsnakes)
Masticophis flagellum, Coachwhip
M. f. fulginosus, Baja California Coachwhip
M. f. piceus, Red Coachwhip
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Red Racer, while Collins (1997) advises Red Coachwhip. Crother’s title “racer,” appears to be informal vocabulary (e.g. horny toad, waterdog, blue-bellied lizard) all popular terms for novice. In addition, the term Racer appears to be retained as the standard name for the genera Coluber.
M. f. ruddocki, San Joaquin Coachwhip
Masticophis lateralis, California Striped Whipsnake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) and Collins (1997) advise racer, while Stebbins (1985) advises Whipsnake. See comment regarding “racer”: M. f. piceus, Red Coachwhip
* Following subspecies, possess identical fault.
M. l. euryxanthus, Alameda Striped Whipsnake
M. l. lateralis, California Striped Whipsnake
Masticophis taeniatus, Striped Whipsnake
M. t. taeniatus, Desert Striped Whipsnake

SALVADORA (Patch-nosed Snake)
Salvadora hexalepis, Western Patch-nosed Snake
S. h. hexalepis, Desert Patch-nosed Snake
S. h. virgultea, Coast Patch-nosed Snake

ARIZONA (Glossy Snake)
Arizona occidentalis, Western Glossy Snake
Conflict of scientific and standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Arizona elegans, Glossy Snake, while Collins (1997) advise Arizona occidentalis, Western Glossy Snake. Crother (2000) announces future studies of geographic variation may support Collins (1997).
* Following subspecies, possess identical fault.
A. o. candida, Mojave Glossy Snake
A. o. eburnata, Desert Glossy Snake
A. o. occidentalis, California Glossy Snake

RHINOCHEILUS (Long-nosed Snake)
Rhinocheilus lecontei, Long-nosed Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) and Stebbins (1985) advise Long-nosed Snake, while Collins (1997) advises Longnose Snake. See comments regarding verb past tense: Taricha granulosa, Rough-skinned Newt
* Following subspecies, possess identical fault.
R. l. lecontei, Western Long-nosed Snake

BOGERTOPHIS (Desert Rat Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Baja California Ratsnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Rat snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Bogertophis rosaliae, Baja California Rat Snake

PITUOPHIS (Gopher Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Gophersnake, while Collins (1997) Stebbins (1985) and Behler (1979) advise Gopher Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Pituophis catenifer, Gopher Snake
P. c. affinis, Sonoran Gopher Snake
P. c. annectens, San Diego Gopher Snake
P. c. catenifer, Pacific Gopher Snake
P. c. deserticola, Great Basin Gopher Snake
P. c. pumilus, Santa Cruz Gopher Snake

Lampropeltis getula, Common Kingsnake
L. g. californiae, California Kingsnake
L. g. nigra, Western Black Kingsnake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Western Black Kingsnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Black Kingsnake.
Lampropeltis zonata, California Mountain Kingsnake
L. z. multicincta, Sierra Mountain Kingsnake
L. z. multifasciata, Coast Mountain Kingsnake
L. z. parvirubra, San Bernardino Mountain Kingsnake
L. z. pulchra, San Diego Mountain Kingsnake
L. z. zonata, Saint Helena Mountain Kingsnake

THAMNOPHIS (Garter Snakes)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Gartersnake, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Garter Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Thamnophis sirtalis, Common Garter Snake
T. s. fitchi, Valley Garter Snake
T. s. infernalis, California Red-sided Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises San Francisco Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise California Red-sided Garter Snake. Considering Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia, San Francisco Garter Snake has been abandoned thus leaving standard name unsupported.
Thamnophis elegans, Terrestrial Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Terrestrial Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Western Terrestrial Garter Snake.
T. e. elegans, Mountain Garter Snake
T. e. terrestris, Coast Garter Snake
T. e. vagrans, Intermountain Wandering Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Intermountain Wandering Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Wandering Garter Snake.
Thamnophis couchii, Sierra Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Sierra Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Western Aquatic Garter Snake.
Thamnophis gigas, Giant Garter Snake
Thamnophis atratus, Aquatic Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Aquatic Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) advise Santa Cruz Garter Snake.
T. a. atratus, Santa Cruz Garter Snake
T. a. hydrophilus, Oregon Garter Snake
T. a. zaxanthus, Diablo Range Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Diablo Range Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) advise Diablo Garter Snake.
Thamnophis hammondii, Two-striped Garter Snake
Thamnophis ordinoides, Northwestern Garter Snake
Thamnophis marcianus, Checkered Garter Snake
T. m. marcianus, Marcy’s Checkered Garter Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Marcy’s Checkered Gartersnake, while Collins (1997) advises Checkered Garter Snake.

SONORA (Ground Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Groundsnake, while Collins (1997) advises Ground Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Sonora semiannulata, Ground Snake

CHIONACTIS (Shovel-nosed Snake)
Chionactis occipitalis, Western Shovel-nosed Snake
C. o. annulata, Colorado Desert Shovel-nosed Snake
C. o. occipitalis, Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake
C. o. talpina, Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake

TANTILLA (Black-headed Snakes)
Tantilla hobartsmithi, Smith’s Black-headed Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Smith’s Black-headed Snake, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Southwestern Black-headed Snake.
Tantilla planiceps, Western Black-headed Snake

Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Lyresnake, while Collins (1997) advises Lyre Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Trimorphodon biscutatus, Lyre Snake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Western Lyresnake, while Collins (1997) advises Lyre Snake.
T. b. lambda, Sonoran Lyre Snake
T. b. lyrophanes, California Lyre Snake

HYSIGLENA (Night Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Nightsnake, while Collins (1997) advises Night Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Hypsiglena torquata, Night Snake
H. t. nuchalata, California Night Snake
H. t. ochrorhyncha, Spotted Night Snake
Conflict of scientific and standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Hypsiglena torquata deserticola, Desert Night Snake, while Collins (1997) advise Hypsiglena torquata ochrorhyncha, Spotted Night Snake.

CROTALUS (Rattlesnakes)
Crotalus scutulatus, Mojave Rattlesnake
C. s. scutulatus, Mojave Rattlesnake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Mojave Green Rattlesnake, while Collins (1997) advise Mojave Rattlesnake.
Crotalus atrox, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985) and Behler (1979) advise Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.
Crotalus exsul, Red Diamond Rattlesnake
C. e. exsul, Peninsular Red Diamond Rattlesnake
Crotalus mitchellii, Speckled Rattlesnake
C. m. pyrrhus, Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake
C. m. stephensi, Panamint Rattlesnake
Crotalus cerastes, Sidewinder
C. c. cerastes, Mojave Desert Sidewinder
C. c. laterorepens, Colorado Desert Sidewinder
Crotalus viridis, Western Rattlesnake
C. v. helleri, Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
C. v. lutosus, Great Basin Rattlesnake
C. v. oreganus, Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

PELAMIS (Yellow-bellied Sea Snake)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Seasnake, while Collins (1997) advises Sea Snake. See introduction about conjoined words.
Pelamis platurus, Yellow-bellied Sea Snake

GOPHERUS (Gopher Tortoise)
Gopherus agassizii, Desert Tortoise

Kinosternon sonoriense, Sonoran Mud Turtle
K. s. sonoriense, Sonoran Mud Turtle

CLEMMYS (Pond Turtle)
Clemmys marmorata, Western Pond Turtle
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Pacific Pond Turtle, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Western Pond Turtle. Perhaps by Crother (2000) referring to this turtle as Pacific, he is pushing it too far west into the Pacific Ocean or about islands.
* Following subspecies, possess identical fault.
C. m. marmorata, Northwestern Pond Turtle
C. m. pallida, Southwestern Pond Turtle

APALONE (Softshell)
Apalone spinifera, Spiny Softshell
A. s. emoryi, Texas Spiny Softshell

CHELONIA (Green Turtle)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Green Seaturtle, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Green Turtle. See introduction about conjoined words.
Chelonia mydas, Green Turtle

CARETTA (Loggerhead)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Loggerhead Seaturtle, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Loggerhead. See introduction about conjoined words and addition of terminology.
Caretta caretta, Loggerhead

Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Olive Ridley Seaturtle, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Pacific Ridley. See introduction about conjoined words and addition of terminology.
Lepidochelys olivacea, Pacific Ridley

Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Hawksbill Seaturtle, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Hawksbill. See introduction about conjoined words and addition of terminology.
Eretmochelys imbricata, Hawksbill
E. i. Bissa, Pacific Hawksbill

DERMOCHELYS (Leatherback)
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Leatherback Seaturtle, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Leatherback. See introduction about conjoined words and addition of terminology.
Dermochelys coriacea, Leatherback

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