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(Section 3: Lizards) Catalog of California

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Posted by Will on June 22, 2002 at 06:38:11:

SQUAMATA (Lizards)
COLEONYX (Banded Geckos)
Coleonyx variegatus, Western Banded Gecko
C. v. abbotti, San Diego Banded Gecko
C. v. variegatus, Desert Banded Gecko
Coleonyx switaki, Barefoot Gecko
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Switak’s Banded Gecko, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Barefoot Gecko. A species more closely related to this gecko than Coleonyx variegatus occurs in Baja California. Coleonyx gypsicolus, San Marcos Island Barefoot Gecko occurs on islands in the Gulf of California. In the future, the title of that gecko may be petitioned to banded gecko.
C. s. switaki, Peninsular Barefoot Gecko
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Peninsular Banded Gecko, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Peninsular Barefoot Gecko. See comments regarding similar species: Coleonyx switaki, Barefoot Gecko.

PHYLLODACTYLUS (Leaf-toed Gecko)
Phyllodactylus nocticolus, Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko, while Collins (1997) advises Insular Leaf-toed Gecko and recognized subspecies.

Hemidactylus turcicus, Mediterranean House Gecko
H. t. turcicus, Turkish House Gecko

DIPSOSAURUS (Desert Iguana)
Dipsosaurus dorsalis, Desert Iguana
D. d. dorsalis, Northern Desert Iguana
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Northern Desert Iguana, while Collins (1997) advises Desert Iguana.

SAUROMALUS (Chuckwalla)
Sauromalus ater, Common Chuckwalla
Conflict of scientific and standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Sauromalus ater, Common Chuckwalla, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Sauromalus obesus, Chuckwalla and acknowledge subspecies.

CROTAPHYTUS (Collared Lizards)
Crotaphytus bicinctores, Great Basin Collared Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Great Basin Collared Lizard, while Collins (1997) advise Mojave Collared Lizard.

Crotaphytus vestigium, Baja California Collared Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Baja California Collared Lizard, while Collins (1997) advises Baja Black-collared Lizard.

GAMBELIA (Leopard Lizards)
Gambelia copeii, Cope’s Leopard Lizard
Gambelia sila, Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard
Gambelia wislizenii, Long-nosed Leopard Lizard

CALLISAURUS (Zebra-tailed Lizard)
Callisaurus draconoides, Zebra-tailed Lizard
C. d. rhodostictus, Western Zebra-tailed Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Western Zebra-tailed Lizard, while Collins (1997) advises Mojave Zebra-tailed Lizard. Considering this subspecies inhabits all deserts of California, perhaps a standard name shift is in order.

UMA (Fringe-toed Lizards)
Uma inornata, Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard
Crother (2000) and Stebbins (1985) recognize Coachella Valley population as Uma inornata, Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard.
Uma notata, Sonoran Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Sonoran Desert Fringe-toed Lizard, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard and do not recognized subspecies.
U. n. notata, Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
See comments regarding Uma notata, Sonoran Desert Fringe-toed Lizard.
Uma scoparia, Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard

SCELOPORUS (Spiny Lizards)
Sceloporus magister, Desert Spiny Lizard
Subspecies are recognize by Crother, Behler (1979), and Stebbins (1985), S. m. transversus (Barred Spiny Lizard), S. m. unformis (Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard), while Collins (1997) sites Grismer & McGuire (1996 Herpetologica 52(3): 416-427) that no subspecies be recognized.
Sceloporus orcutti, Granite Spiny Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis, Western Fence Lizard
S. o. becki, Island Fence Lizard
S. o. biseriatus, San Joaquin Fence Lizard
S. o. bocourtii, Coast Range Fence Lizard
S. o. longipes, Great Basin Fence Lizard
S. o. occidentalis, Northwestern Fence Lizard
S. o. taylori, Sierra Fence Lizard
Sceloporus graciosus, Common Sagebrush Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Common Sagebrush Lizard, while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advise Sagebrush Lizard.

S. g. gracilis, Western Sagebrush Lizard
S. g. graciosus, Northern Sagebrush Lizard
Sceloporus vandenburgianus, Southern Sagebrush Lizard
Conflict of scientific name recognition. Crother, Behler (1979), and Stebbins (1985) advise Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus, while Collins (1997) advises Sceloporus vandenburgianus.

UTA (Side-blotched Lizard)
Uta stansburiana, Common Side-blotched Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Common Side-blotched Lizard, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Side-blotched Lizard.
U. s. elegans, California Side-blotched Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Western Side-blotched Lizard, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise California Side-blotched Lizard.
U. s. stansburiana, Northern Side-blotched Lizard
U. s. stejnegeri, Desert Side-blotched Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Eastern Side-blotched Lizard, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Desert Side-blotched Lizard.

UROSAURUS (Tree and Brush Lizards)
Urosaurus graciosus, Long-tailed Brush Lizard
Subspecies are recognize by Crother (2000) but sites Vitt and Dickson (1988 Cat. Am. Amph. Rept. 448) that there is little evidence suggesting division, while Collins (1997) does not acknowledge subspecies.
Urosaurus microscutatus, Small-scaled Lizard
Urosaurus ornatus, Ornate Tree Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Tree Lizard and recognized subspecies Urosaurus ornatus symmetricus (Colorado River Tree Lizard), while Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) advises Tree Lizard and do not acknowledge subspecies.

Petrosaurus mearnsi, Banded Rock Lizard
P. m. mearnsi, Mearns’ Rock Lizard
Collins (1997) and Stebbins (1985) do not acknowledge subspecies.

PHRYNOSOMA (Horned Lizards)
Phrynosoma coronatum, Coast Horned Lizard
Phrynosoma platyrhinos, Desert Horned Lizard
P. p. calidiarum, Southern Desert Horned Lizard
P. p. platyrhinos, Northern Desert Horned Lizard
Phrynosoma douglassii, Pigmy Short-horned Lizard
Crother (2000) advises Phrynosoma douglassii, Pigmy Short-horned Lizard and does not acknowledge subspecies.
Phrynosoma mcallii, Flat-tailed Horned Lizard

XANTUSIA (Night Lizards)
Xantusia henshawi, Henshaw’s Night Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Henshaw’s Night Lizard, while Collins (1997) advises Granite Night lizard.
X. h. gracilis, Sandstone Night Lizard
X. h. henshawi, Granite Night Lizard
Xantusia vigilis, Desert Night Lizard
X. v. sierrae, Sierra Night Lizard
X. v. vigilis, Yucca Night Lizard
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Yucca Night Lizard, while Collins (1997) advises Desert Night Lizard.
Xantusia riversiana, Island Night Lizard
X. r. reticulata, San Clemente Night Lizard
X. r. riversiana, San Nicolas Night Lizard

EUMECES (Great Skinks)
Eumeces skiltonianus, Western Skink
E. s. interparietalis, Coronado Skink
E. s. skiltonianus, Western Skink
Conflict of standard name recognition. Crother (2000) advises Skilton’s Skink, while Collins (1997), Stebbins (1985), and Behler (1979) advise Western Skink.
Eumeces gilberti, Gilbert’s Skink
E. g. cancellosus, Variegated Skink
E. g. gilberti, Greater Brown Skink
E. g. placerensis, Northern Brown Skink
E. g. rubricaudatus, Western Red-tailed Skink

Cnemidophorus hyperythrus, Orange-throated Whiptail
C. h. beldingi, Belding’s Orange-throated Whiptail
Cnemidophorus tigris, Western Whiptail
C. t. mundus, California Whiptail
C. t. stejnegeri, Coastal Whiptail
C. t. tigris, Great Basin Whiptail

ELGARIA (Western Alligator Lizards)
Elgaria multicarinata, Southern Alligator Lizard
E. m. multicarinata, California Alligator Lizard
E. m. scincicauda, Oregon Alligator Lizard
E. m. webbi, San Diego Alligator Lizard
Elgaria panamintina, Panamint Alligator Lizard
Elgaria coerulea, Northern Alligator Lizard
E. c. coerulea, San Francisco Alligator Lizard
E. c. palmeri, Sierra Alligator Lizard
E. c. principis, Northwestern Alligator Lizard
E. c. shastensis, Shasta Alligator Lizard

ANNIELLA (Legless Lizard)
Anniella pulchra, California Legless Lizard
A. p. nigra, Black Legless Lizard
A. p. pulchra, Silvery Legless Lizard

HELODERMA (Gila Monster)
Heloderma suspectum, Gila Monster
H. s. cinctum, Banded Gila Monster

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