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Re: Validation of the species "rossignollii"

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Posted by Richard Mastenbroek on May 15, 2002 at 03:51:38:

In Reply to: Validation of the species posted by Simon Stern on May 14, 2002 at 21:43:43:


First Raymond Hoser did not pay me for building my site. I builded my site to inform people about keeping Irian Jaya Kingbrowns in Captivity and breeding them. The zoological description I gave is NOT done on a scientific level, but done on the way MY eyes see it. The description is done on my own snakes. On the same snakes I did scale counts and measured the sizes. I did this because there is nothing been published on the internet, in books, or scientific papers that shows you anything useful for my sites Zoological description.
Differences in size, scalation and morphology do NOT prove a difference in species, thousands of examples are there to be seen. The Chinese spitting cobra Naja atra from China mainland is black with bandings around the body the same cobra from Formosa Island are crèmes, yellow in colour and smaller in size but it is still Naja atra even when they look totally different. So in my opinion brought the paper written by Raymond Hoser in 2000 nothing new and for sure not the prove that Pseudechis australis needs to be Pailsus rossignolii .
Till real research is done on this snake and the prove is given by science that is is a new species of snake do I call it Pseudechis australis .

With Best Regards,

Richard Mastenbroek (Mr Taipan)

: Great site Richard.
: You've done an excellent job of repeating the same findings that Hoser made in his 2000 paper to the effect that the NEW GUINEA King Browns are in fact different to the Australian ones.
: Your site shows they have different size (smaller), scalation and morphology to the Aussie ones and this is exactly as Hoser did.
: Science requires that a result published by one person can be duplicated and validated by another.
: You've done Hoser a favor by doing this and have in my mind most certainly confirmed the original diagnosis of Rossignollii as a valid species being distinct from Australis. By the way, Richard, did Hoser pay you to put up the site?

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