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References for Pseudophryne australis (Myobatrachidae) paper

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Posted by Richard Wells on March 17, 2002 at 21:03:13:

Hello all,
For those interested in the Family Gekkonidae I offer you my considerations regarding the genus Cyrtodactyus in Australia which were recently published in the AUSTRALIAN BIODIVERSITY RECORD, 2002 (No 4): 1-28 (March, 2002)
A copy of this article is attached below:

Herein please find the final part which is the reference list for Pseudophryne australis:

Kind Regards from

Richard Wells

References and Literature Cited
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Andersson, L.G. 1916 Results of Dr E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. IX. Batrachians from Queensland. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps. -Akad. Handl., [Stockholm], (ns), 52 (9): 1-20

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[Note: An earlier version of this article first appeared in 2001 in the Hawkesbury Herpetologist, 23: 2-18 and has been reprinted (updated, but without illustrations) in the Australian Biodiversity Record to make it more widely available]

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