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SWHS's Research/Workshop

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Posted by Dana Bleitz - Past President, SWHS on May 03, 2000 at 16:05:27:

To SWHS members and concerned herpers:

The SWHS membership is made up of folks who share a common interest in herps, but are varied the focus of their interests. The purpose of having committees - such as research/workshops, educational outreach, and conservation - is to provide outlets of participation by ANY of our members. The goals of such committees are not static, but are to stimulate SWHS members to either join a current activity or develope new projects. As with any program or study that wishes to grow and improve, people are encouraged to constructively share info about new techniques for studies or different proceedures or approaches to dealing with herps.

Civil exchanges of information carry no censures with them. Because none of us are experts in everything herpetological (heck, we don't even know of and about all the species of existing herps), one of the great benefits of being in a herp organization is the sharing of experience, data, and the latest herp info.

If anyone can share articles and strategies on how to improve research designs and workshop ideas, the SWHS would be very happy to accept and use the information. Just remember constructively and civilly offer your suggestions. I am constantly - and happily - learning new herp info from other members. It is, however, extremely inappropriate to publicly criticize a member's efforts before publicly offering constructive alternatives and supportive information.

If you have any further questions that you would like to discuss on this subject, please email or call me at my Newsletter listing.

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