Rubber snake or real snake??
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Posted by hotshot on October 15, 2002 at 12:43:17:
A couple months ago my mother and father in law were at the house for a cookout. (they live 5 miles from us, and we get along great, Im lucky) Any ways, my son and one of his cousins were playing with some rubber snakes, pretending to scare grandma. So I decided to have a little fun. My mother in law is not deathly afraid of snakes, just doesnt like them. So I take my son in the snake room and give him our black rat snake to take outside and "scare" grandma. He goes out and sits next to her on the pic-nic table while she is talking to the other kids there. My son is sitting there on the seat right next to her letting this snake crawl on his arm, and she doesnt even see it. I am biting a hole in my lip by now to keep from just losing it. One of the other kids notices and says "look grandma, he has a snake!" Laughingly she glances over and goes to grab the "play snake" from my son, and then realizes it is real. The look on her face was hillarious. Needless to say she kept her eye on me the rest of the afternoon, man I laughed so hard. Good thing Im on good terms with my in-laws, otherwise I could have had some really good fun!!
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