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Did you say second year of kindergarten....................................

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Posted by glenn bartley on May 26, 2002 at 08:20:53:

In Reply to: What can I do? posted by Katie on May 15, 2002 at 13:47:50:

because that is how it sounds to me (my opinion) from the way you describe how you and your friends are acting. Sure you will gets lots of negative reactions from people who do not understand snakes, or who do not understand why you would want to keep them as pets. You will get lots of jeering and snickering too. You by your choice to be different have made yourself a target of those who want to fit into the clique. But just because they maybe morons (my opinion) does not mean you have to let them intimidate you. Why take the screensaver off of your computer - that just gives them more impetus to go after you because they see their bullying has had its desired effect. Why give them such a satisfaction. In my opinion - and this is JUST my opinion, you should put that screen saver back on your PC, join a herpetology club, wear herp related T-shirts showing pictures of herps prominently displayed, do presentation in class using live snakes (of the harmless variety) and enjoy your new hobby. Be proud of what you are and the hobby you have chosen for yourself. Show them that their teasing is not having its desired effects, and then see who still accepts you even though you have a weird hobby (yes it is still considered somewhat weird by those who are not herp lovers). If someone does not want you as a friend simply because of your choice of pets, in my opinion you should dump them as a friend and find a new friend. In fact maybe you should try to figure out what a friend really is. Of course if one of your true friends has a real fear of snakes, you can try to alleviate his/her fears, and if that does not work then never, and I mean never expose that friend to snakes in a way that will scare him/her.

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