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funnie story

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Posted by joe e on February 03, 2002 at 19:19:08:

hey my friend breed salcata tortoises well one his larges males is allowed free roam of the house (its funnie but once you figure out where they wanna eat...and where they wanna do theyre buisiness you can put a food and water dish and news paper out and its just like a big hard slow dog. but anyways i let him borrow a refrigerator for some extra stocking for a party he was having well the only place with an open plug socket was where the food and water dishes were so we moved them onto a counter put the fridge in place and started to bring in the beer we got half of it in went out to get the last few cases and as we are going out we hear a big crash s we go running in not knowing what to think and there is the fridge on its side with the tortoise standing where its dish should be looking at us like ..hey whats up wheres my food.....luckely it was all cans so we found an extension cord and moved the fridge and put the dishes back

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