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Posted by guitarguy on June 19, 2001 at 18:23:37:

In Reply to: My first corn... posted by Kat on June 19, 2001 at 17:52:19:

: My last guinea pig had died, and I decided I wanted a different sort of pet. Remembering stories my mom told me about when she used to keep garter snakes, I decided that I wanted a pet snake to replace Frosty. So, I went down to the only pet shop that had small snakes at the time (it was midwinter). After talking with the salesgirl, I ended up buying a gorgeous corn and a 10 gallon setup for him. I also bought a book on cornsnakes so I'd know how to care for him.
: The next day, on the advice of the pet shop salesclerk, I went out and bought some crickets for Prowl (since the clerk insisted they didn't eat mice until they got bigger). I put the crickets in the cage with him, and they promptly jumped into the water bowl and drowned. So I went out and bought more crickets. Same thing happened. I figured that Prowl must not have been hungry, since he wasn't eating just yet, so I'd wait and buy more crickets later in the week...
: Well, a few days later, Prowl was missing from his tank. I searched everywhere for him, but no snake to be found. So I logged online and started searching for info to help me find/catch my poor missing snake. Fortunately it was snowing that week and so he was likely still in the house. It was at this point I learned that yes, even baby cornsnakes eat pinky mice... Well, almost a week later and still no snake. So I went out and bought another cornsnake, figuring that Prowl was probably lost for good, and that if I ducttaped the lid of the cage, I could probably keep this one from escaping. Well, no less than two days after I got my second corn, my mom walked into the house at night and spotted Prowl warming himself on the tile floor (our tiles are heated from underneath). We caught him and put him back in his cage. It's kinda funny easily how one corn can turn into two... ;)

: (And now I have 7 corns and am getting two more in August. ;)

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