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Just a good ending story

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Posted by Sean on March 16, 2001 at 03:25:22:

I got a call today that someone had found a snake in their back yard and wanted it removed. I went and found an Eastern King almost 4 feet long that had just eaten. The king's body was enlarged all the way from about the middle of it's body up to the back of it's neck so I figured he had eaten another snake. I put him in a large tupperware container and drove home. I guess the ride made him decide to regurgitate the meal and it ended up being a black racer just over 4 feet. I was amazed that the king could eat such a huge meal but was then excited to see that the black racer was still alive! The racer didn't move much at first but now looks like he's doing great. I cleaned him up and decided I was going to watch him for a couple days before I release both of them. I'm just glad I was able to save the racer's life for now. Since I ruined the king's meal, I'm buying a couple mice for it and the racer tomorrow in hopes they will enjoy them.

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