Posted by Lyle on July 09, 2000 at 16:55:11:
In Reply to: a fairly lame story posted by Davidavid on July 08, 2000 at 00:46:45:
Been there before simple solution let a few geckos go in the room where the crickets got loose and the crickets will be gone soon. I know what your thinken the geckos will become pests wrong. Just get a few ringneck snakes and the gecko problem will be gone. I know now your thinken what about the ringneck snakes. Just get a few common king snakes and problem solved. No the king snakes will not be a problem just get a few king cobras and the kings will be gone in a few weeks. But what about the cobras you say. Just let the room get cold during the winter and the cobras will all die off. Well good luck.
Just in case you didn't pick up on this it was just a joke.