Posted by Ed Stone on July 07, 2000 at 01:08:12:
In Reply to: Angry Grandma posted by tortoiseman on April 03, 1999 at 13:22:16:
When choosing a facility, select a basement. I live in wisconsin. One january there was a power outage of several days duration. We had no provisions, but the temperature never dropped below 55, and took several days to get that low from 85 degrees. Even gravid boas suffered no ill effects. I am sold on basements and wouldn't think of keeping my animals anywhere else. No generators or kerosene heaters are needed even in harsh climates unless the outage lasts for weeks (unlikely).
: If the power goes out in the year 2000 and my snakes lights go off, My plan is to put them in boxes with heat pads and take them to my grandmother's house because she has a generator. BUT, she is stubbourn enough to deny my snakes entrance into her domain because "They are gross". HA! Im not going to have my het.albino ball python babies DIE because she thinks theyre "Gross". What are some of your emergency power faliure plans?