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my baby snake

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Posted by Faith on December 26, 1999 at 12:07:31:

Okay, here's my story/question...
My mother went to our local petstore and bought some crickets for my leopard gecko. While she was there, she decided to look at the snakes they have. It just so happened that an entire clutch of baby corns had arrived that very day. And my mother is one of those kind, sweet, rare mothers who will actually think a snake is cute. Which these babies were. So she came home, told me, and snap! mom and dad ended up taking us all to the store to choose one of these babies for a Christmas present. I was the one responsible for picking up and inspecting all the babies, since I am the one who is obsessed with snakes(I have read all fifty-two books on them in our public library). We finally settled(after arguing on matters of health, contrast, saddle shape and design, and sex) on the adorable ten-inch-long miami phase with wine saddles and pink-grey backing. It was doing fine, enthusiastically exploring the tank, and readily eating the pinky we had bought for it, until the next morning, when it began to show signs of a cold/repiratory infection. I promtly removed it from the tank and put it in quaratine(naughty me, I should have put it there in first place). The cold has cleared up a litle, with higher temps and a lot more humidity, but the clicking while it breathes and the mucus has not gone away totally. Anyways, could anyone tell me if I need to take it to a vet to have it checked(to get an antibiotic and/or just a reg. checkup)?
Thanks, Faith

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