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Savanna Monitor Mayhem

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Posted by Vlad on January 11, 1998 at 19:57:31:

The person in the reptile department in one of our local pet-stores (I'm going to "borrow" a male leopard gecko form him, he has 6) told me a great story. I't involves his friends shelf systems and two crazed monitors. Basically, he ordered two savanna moniters and some exotic insects from Africa or somerthing, and the crates came stacked with the moniters on the bottom and the insects on the top crate, well, he decided to open and get the insects out first, but what what he didn't know was that during shipping, the two savannas got hungry and broke through the top crate and started eationg the bugs. So when he opens it, these two 3 ft monitors come shooting out, he caught one, but the other whip him in the leg and when running, right into the shelf system!! Sure enough the shelf topples and fell, releasing ALL the snakes, most of the snakes where your average boa or python, but three where venomous, a black mamba, a gaboon viper, and an albino pit viper. They spent the evening looking for these three hot snakes, they caught the black mamba without getting bit, but when capturing the gabbon, it struck at him, he pulled his hand away, and looked at his finger saying to himself "Please, don't start bleeding" but sure enough a small trickle of bloodcame out, he was just scraped by the fang of a gaboon, and was sick for 3 1/2 weeks, one of them in intensive care. The albino pit-viper was never found, so if your walking the streets of New York and find an albino pit viper, it's probably his.

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