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Lost....and Found

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Posted by Nathan U on May 06, 1999 at 01:38:43:

Last October I bought a pair of yearling Amel corns from Britt Wasson at Exceptional Quality Snakes. I put them in an aquarium with what I thought to be a secure screen top. About two weeks later I woke up to find that my corns had dissapeared. I looked everywhere and finally found the female on top of my dresser under a pile of clothes. I turned the place over looking for the male and after about a week I lost hope and quit looking. I would still glance around every now and again at places I thought that he might be. My bedroom/snakeroom are in the basement of our house and there is an unfinished room down there that houses the water heater and AC Units. There were a lot of places for him to hide in there and a few possible escape routes to freedom(the great outdoors), so I figured he had found his way out and was sleeping for the winter outside. That little room also houses my colony of 50 mice. A few nights ago my girlfriend said that the snake was going to turn up real soon. I basically told her she was crazy and that the snake had probably gotten outside and died or been eaten by another animal, and that we'd probably never see him again. Well, I came home from work the next day and did the usual animal check/feeding/cleaning. I walked into the mouse room and something orange was lying on top of one of my mouse racks. No, it couldn't be. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing straight and not hallucinating and lo and behold, there lie my precious male corn snake trying to get through the wire top to a mouse. I ran out holding the very emaciated snake to show my girlfriend my find. She looked and said "I told you so. Still think I'm crazy?". It seem's he had spent the winter brumating in the unheated room with the mice and when it got warmer outside he got hungry and cam looking for food. He was gone for six months, and is still alive and slithering. Can you believe that? Needless to say they are now in more secure cages and he's fattening up nicely. Just goes to show you should never give up hope and what you lost may accidentaly find you.

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