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Posted by tedn on March 25, 2003 at 11:45:46:

In Reply to: Probably aint goin to here positiv post bout this story :/np posted by birdznfrogs on March 24, 2003 at 15:12:18:

::Back in the 60's there were lots of indigos in south Florida. In fact the first time I attended Broward Junior College these large snakes were responsible for my bad grades. My drive to school wound through a large orange grove. Invarably I would catch one of these snakes as it crawled across the road and that would be it for the day. I couldn't go to school on a day when the snakes were out so the rest of the day was spent in snake hunting. It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it. During this time indigos were still legal to collect and I sold them for a dollar a foot! There were several areas I hunted where I could just about count on catching at least one of these magnificent snakes. The largest I measured was 7'11.5" however I caught one that was significantly larger but released it without actually measuring the snake. It seemed that most of the indigos that I captured were 6.5' to 7.5'. Only once did I catch a baby. Unfortunately development has all but eliminated these snakes from this area and of course the snake is now protected. I only see them now on rare occasions.


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