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Re: Advice needed with SCUD and African Flapshell

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Posted by Steve on March 01, 2002 at 22:56:22:

In Reply to: Advice needed with SCUD and African Flapshell posted by Maxx MacLeod on March 01, 2002 at 22:45:44:

I just spoke to a vet in Singapore who specializes in this and he that injectible is the only way to go if the turtle does not respond to conventional treatment (Acriflavine) in the water. Baytril would most likely be the antibiotic of choice.

here is a bit of what he wrote to me:

'.....if the wounds are dealt with successfully, and the
turtle starts feeding and shows clinical improvement, it suggests that the
internal infection is being overcome. If recovery happens quickly, there is
usually no need for an antibiotic injection such as Baytril. If recovery is
slow or not occuring, then Baytril is indicated..'

So it would seem injectible is the only way to go. Unfortunately I don't really have a creative solution for being able actually inject your turtle.

: I have a large female African Flapshell (C. senegalis) with aweful looking, multiple carapace leisions that were tentatively diagnosed by a vet as SCUD. They weren't sure about this since they weren't able to culture anything...but the vet took blood and we know it's bacterial. Here's my problem, which I hope the experts out there can help me with. Acriflavin and clean water aren't knocking the infection back. Does anyone have any creative ideas on how to treat a flapshell? Since it's a flapshell, I can't get anywhere close to the mouth (so oral antibiotics are out of the question) and I haven't figured out how to get the legs in order to inject antibiotics. The flaps are just too darn effective for keeping me out! Any ideas out there??? Thanks!

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