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A Great Group! - The Naturalistic Vivarium

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Posted by Joseph on October 31, 2001 at 01:33:38:

The Naturalistic Vivarium is an online group that I thought some of us would be interested in for our critters:
This list is for those interested in naturalistic vivarium set ups in order to keep amphibians, small reptiles, and plants, in tropical, desert , and any other biotope setups you are interested in.
Discussions include uses of hardware, lights, pumps, misting systems, temperature, humidity, insitu feeding, food types, advanced computer controls, species and multi-species set ups, etc..
Advice and discussion is welcome on display techniques, chemical / biological processes in the viarium, health hazards for our creatures, and creative solutions to everyday issues within our set ups.
The trading of plants / animals is encouraged in order to broaden the base of our hobby, but the list should be used as a contact place- with transactions taking place in private between interested parties.
The group has been around for approx. 6 months and has generated great interest, new friendships and relationships. It has connected many professionals, expert hobbyists, and novices with each other producing a fun and creative environment for learning and advancement of our hobby. The many exceptional Vivarists on the list with a wealth of experience, as well as best picks of vivarium websites contribute to the list being a great resource.
If your truly passionate about your critters and the art of keeping a small part of the natural world indoors, then check out the link to The Naturalistic Vivarium's website, you won't be disappointed!!

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