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Getting an order of 40 fish from a hatchery for my tank...

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Posted by Accomplice on January 29, 2003 at 15:41:49:

A fish farm is going to bring up 40 fish in the next week or so. That was their estimate of what would work in my 400 gallon stock tank. They said they'd suggest mostly brim (sp?) and some bass. These are fingerlings (4-5 inches). They said that I'd need to have something to feed the bass like minnows or larvae of insects. I plan to just feed the bass some stick turtle food. It sounds like 'big red' will have something to snack on if it'll ever warm up around here. The 40 fish will be around $7-$10 total. Not bad at all huh?

Now I've got to work out a purchase of crawfish. How many should I put in there? What do they need to eat? Did you guys know that crawfish farmers in LA get snappers and alligator snappers in their traps sometimes?


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