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Re: can you really sell snappers to restaurants

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Posted by gecko05 on January 26, 2003 at 18:04:42:

In Reply to: can you really sell snappers to restaurants posted by eddie978n on January 26, 2003 at 12:57:45:

i think your an idiot for asking such a question. we as a herp community hate to see you get paid to kill these beuatiful animals. if you are sincere in "in not letting them go to waste"
pick up the road kill DON'T KILL MORE !!!!!!

:I heard you can sell snappers to restaurants? Where i come from they over run our lakes and ponds, and people just kill them, and let them rot on the banks. Iam a trapper and can trap several a day, i would rather sell them to a restaurant, so that atleast they dont go to waste, or pet stores or somthing. I hope i dont get alot of negative feedback from turtle owners, just understand id rather them go for a use, such as food or a pet than just to rot on the banks. So if anyone knows how i can get intouch with these people or want some for pets please reply here or email me at I cautch all sizes, babys, to 50+pounds, and the occasional 80 pounder. thanks

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