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Re: Huge Common Snapper

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Posted by anuraanman on January 24, 2003 at 21:27:57:

In Reply to: Re: Huge Common Snapper posted by Accomplice on January 24, 2003 at 18:37:48:

i didn't weigh it. i did measure and pick it up though. Ive got a few pics of me holding each of the snappers. i reported it with the measurements but i don't think they believed me about the size. oh well, i see it every year in the water and have had it on my fishing line a few times, i'll get another chance to better document it. here's a shot of the smaller one for a comparison. like i said, if they were fighting then it seems a little one sided. sorry about the size of the pic.

:Wow, that is a huge common. Did you weigh it? Were you able to document the record length?


::Last April I found this beast behind my house. It had a 22 inch shell (a record i think) and was on top of a smaller snapper with a 12 inch shell. I think they breed under water so does anybody know what they were doing on top of each other on land?? Mybe a territory dispute, in that case it seems pretty one sided given the weight ratio.


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