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No frozen turtle....

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Posted by Accomplice on January 24, 2003 at 07:40:49:

In Reply to: Re: Alligator Snappers Surving the Cold? posted by Lynn_DeVries on January 23, 2003 at 23:17:33:

The stock tank water didn't freeze at all. Its still below freezing here also. The only ice is on the lid where some of the returning filter water hit the latice.


::Its supposed to be pretty cold here tonight (teens). I've got a pump and filter that are probably putting off some heat and also keeping the water moving. I hope my turtle can handle it. His tank 2' deep and 400 gallons. Will it freeze over?


: I was at an Alligator Snapper breeders last week and he had several in a large round stock tank with a stock tank heater in it. The water had a 1 inch layer of ice on it everywhere except right around the heater. We busted the ice and pulled out several. they all seemed fine to me. It had gotten down to 10-15 degrees F. the night before and had warmed up to 40 by mid day when I was hauling them out. I didn't check the water temp. However I have taken water temps under ice before and it is always just a hair above 32 degrees F. So for what that is worth...Lynn


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