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Re: How Many Adult Snappers in a 3,500-4,000 gallon pond?

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Posted by Accomplice on January 23, 2003 at 23:01:42:

In Reply to: Re: How Many Adult Snappers in a 3,500-4,000 gallon pond? posted by Lynn_DeVries on January 23, 2003 at 22:42:32:


Thanks for the info. Doing a quick comparison of the surface area of your pond and a 320 sq. ft. pond I figured out that 2.66 adult alligator snappers would be about the same ratio as your pond. So if I have three in there that would be about 1,000 gallons per adult turtle. That strikes me as plenty of space. I'm really thinking that 2-3 females and 1-2 males would be pushing the limits of a 3,000-4,000 gallon pond.


:I don't Know What maximum is for Loggerheads, but my outdoor Loggerhead pond is 60x20 and I house 3.7 adults in it in the summer. I bring them indoors in the winter and keep them at 50 degrees F. as it is too cold here for too long of time. It's 15 degrees below zero right now and that is not including the wind chill. Common Snappers, I keep 40 adults in a round pond that is 60 feet in diameter, and they live in there year round and seem to do fine. Lynn


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