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Re: Attitude

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Posted by SteveH on January 21, 2003 at 16:58:30:

In Reply to: Re: Attitude posted by MikeST on January 21, 2003 at 08:17:22:

:::I just saw a small alligator snapper listed in the classifieds of this site.
:::It was listed as "very mean"
:::Anyone else have comments about attitude?
:::My alligator snappers (6) are anything but mean. Very calm and dolcile, especially if you take them out of the water.

:Thanks Steve . That helps. Right now I have 6 of them, but all under 5". I guess 've been thinking about this wrong because right now, they all get along. Its just like keeping a large fish tank really . I've got a nice set-up and they are really pretty low maintenance. They all just seem to "hang out" all the time.
:Do you think in the future , I'm going to have to separate everybody? I might have to re-think this , a little if thats true. I was thinking of getting a few more hatchlings next year also, and I'll have to change plans if in the future evyone isn't going to be playing nice.

:Any thoughts on this would help. I meet a lot of people that keep the smaller guys, but not many who have much experience with anything larger.

::Hi Mike- most of the smaller ones I've seen will pretty much get along with each other. I have 11" turtle that cant stand another animal being around him. He is also overly agressive when picked up.I guess there or some meaner than others but I've never seen a docile snapper. I think when you first take them out of the water they (freeze) play possum or something,then they come to life! Steve

:Mike,I don't know from exprience, but I've heard adult males will fight between themselves if not given enough space. You'll probably just need to keep an eye on everybody as they are growing up. Good luck, Steve

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