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Re: What state(s) is the source of your alligator snapper(s)?

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Posted by SteveH on January 13, 2003 at 14:08:19:

In Reply to: What state(s) is the source of your alligator snapper(s)? posted by Accomplice on January 13, 2003 at 13:11:31:

:I'm wondering if color variations relate to the different portions of the alligator snapper's range. Do the Arkansas turtles tend to be the darker gray vs. some lighter colors on turtles found closer to the gulf of mexico? Mine is a bit lighter than most and its from the Evangeline, LA area (50 miles from the gulf).


dont know for sure but it seems like the more reddish colored turtles would come from water bodys with a red dirt(Clay)bottom or gravel where they would blend in more and be less visable. I talked to a trapper that said turtles that lived in fast moving currents(rivers) usually had a messed up plastron from hitting rocks. But just because you buy one in a southern location does mean he's from there(alot of trappers go out of state to trap them illegally. Steve

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