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Ally Burping bubbles should I be worried?

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Posted by Covenant on January 05, 2003 at 02:29:05:

Hey all. I've been working on the computer tonight for about four hours and I've been watching my big Alligator Snapper and he has been burping bubbles for about 2 or 3 hours now. Should I be worried? It has seemed to stop now. He hasn't done it for about 20 minutes. Tonight I went out and my girl friend forgot to turn the heat on in the apartment before we left. So when I got back his tank was about 67 or 68 degrees. That's the coldest I've seen his tank since I got him. It usually moves between low to high 70s. I have gotten a water heater for him so it would stay at a certain temperture, but I wanted to get a peice of PVC pipe to go around it first. But I just havn't had the time to go and get a piece yet. So any ways is there any thing I should worry about with this burping of air? Thanks for any help.

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