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thanks bill

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Posted by sk8r009 on January 01, 2003 at 11:51:37:

In Reply to: Thiaminase tables posted by Bill Moss on January 01, 2003 at 10:42:32:

:I did some research on thiaminase a few years ago and found a lot of information on the web. It seems that many people who are captive rearing carnivorus animals share the same concern about thiaminase - it's not just a reptile thing.
:The link will take you to a table that lists various fishes that do and do not contain thiaminase. Note: In my opinion these should have been presented in two tables, not one after the other in the same table. You have to pay attention to where the table switches from fish that contain thiaminase to those that do not. The other piece of information that is missing is how much thiaminase do they contain? Also, freezing fish elevates the thiaminase levels.

:Use this information when choosing a diet for your animals.


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