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Re: Steve and Sk8r009

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Posted by sk8r009 on December 30, 2002 at 19:50:10:

In Reply to: Steve and Sk8r009 posted by Covenant on December 30, 2002 at 18:56:13:

:Hello. Question for Steve or any one else that can answer. What kind of minerals and vitamins should I be giving him? Is it some thing I should be putting in his water or is it some thing he should be eating? I use natural spring water for his tank. So he's not getting cholorine water from the faucet. Any ways Sk8tr009 well both of us are in the same situation. We have both gotten two turtles from Troy and they look pretty much the same and are the same size. Also they were both very thin. Are you feeding yours any thing besides fish? I just bought some shiners today and mine ate up 7 with in ten minutes time. Any ways thanks for you answers.

hey covenant,

i agree with you about use both being in the same boat, ...up sh!ts creek. just kidding. its not that bad. we're lucky, both our turtles seem to have hearty appetites right out of the box, so to speak. mine's been anglin and eatin the shiners too. does yours seem to have a preference for the shiners or the golds? i think the shiners are dumber and go for the lure every time, same goes for brim. i also gave him some xmas turkey leftovers, but just a tiny bit, as a treat.


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