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Re: - sk8r009 greg

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Posted by sk8r009 on December 30, 2002 at 19:36:23:

In Reply to: - sk8r009 greg posted by kurma on December 30, 2002 at 17:17:12:

:I was just woundering how many herps you got now, and what sizes?

oh good lord,

ive got quite a few turtles, where to begin...

2 alligator snappers
1 river cooter
1 softshell
1 painted
2 common snappers 1 florida snapper

i used to have 2 big snappers, one 17.5 incher and one 12 incher. but i got them a home at a local nature center. they were both rescues from irate catfishermen who wanted to separate the snappers from their heads. i feel ive got enough turtles, though i saw some baby redfoots and a russian tort and am gettin an itch.haha. seriously though, im very serious when it comes to the health and well being of my animals, and if i ever thought that getting another turtle would compromise the care i could provide for the rest of my chelonian family, i would eliminate the thought completely from my mind. and, at times, i have. (no fly rivers, i have to have a life outside my home! haha)

i miss my kingsnake, he died last year, and i want another one, but im waiting a while one that.

hope this is not too long for an answer.


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