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Re: Feeding fish and thiaminase

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Posted by SteveH on December 30, 2002 at 14:36:51:

In Reply to: Feeding fish and thiaminase posted by Covenant on December 30, 2002 at 14:04:34:

:Hello all. Like some of you know I'm kinda new to the forum and have just recently gotten back into turtles from a long time away from them. As I was growing up I had tons of turtles probably at one point in time I had some where around 70 different speices of turtles and tortises. Of course it was easy to collect all these turtles with growing up around a zoo and your father being friends with a ton of different zoo owners and animal dealers. So every time we went and saw some one like that they gave me a turtle or we would buy one from them. Any ways I stopped owning turtles probably back when I was 13 or so and then when I was 20 or there abouts I got a tank with a bunch of different kinds of turtles. They lasted for a year or two. They either died or I released them. Now I'm 25 and I'm back into turtles and only getting the speices I really want and will keep (Alligator Snapping Turtles, Common Snapping Turtles, Mata Mata Turtles, and maybe a Leopard tortise or two). And by surfing through these forums and other places I have found out that gold fish (one of the leading things I fed my turtles in the past) are bad for turtles. So any ways my question is, is it safe to feed mostly shiners to my 8 inch carapace (Shell length) Alligator Snapper? I have fed him a couple good sized crayfish which he has eaten but that's all that I have fed him other than fish. Thanks for your answers.

I don't think anything is wrong feeding a turtle of that size shiners(as long as they are not frozen)when they get a little bigger you can feed them chicken and other meat parts also. You'll just have to make sure he's getting vitamins and minerals too.

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