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My Alligator Snapper husbandry, advice...

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Posted by ryanp on December 29, 2002 at 18:31:42:

Just curious, maybe someone wouldn't mind double checking my husbandry.
My snapper is about a year and a half and just shy of about four inches, a bit over double the size I got him. He gets rosie reds, shrimp, and reptomin. He doesn't show any interest in crickets or snails. His three inch pleco tankmate has gone missing recently. He is in a rubbermaid, 23 x 17. His water ranges from four to six inches deep. There are two plastic pieces of cage furniture that look like midget cypress stumps, filled with sand for ballast. There are plants and the top is covered in duckweed. I keep the water at about 80, and provide a UV spot because it can't hurt. I figured he would have a bigger appetite than he does. His growth rate is simlilar to a map turtle and a softshell I got the same spring, but he seems to eat less. I heard they were slow growers, hard to believe for such eventual giants. Out of all of my turtles, he is one of my favorite, and if I am doing a good job, I am thinking of getting another next spring.

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