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Re: Buying a Stock Tank-Options, Opinions...

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Posted by SteveH on December 23, 2002 at 23:50:02:

In Reply to: Buying a Stock Tank-Options, Opinions... posted by Accomplice on December 23, 2002 at 22:47:55:

:I've got to take the plunge and buy a stock tank. My pond liner is leaking and the water bill (refills) is heading north quickly. I've found several makes, shapes, sizes and colors. Here are some of my poly stock tank options ($240-$400):
:300 gallon rectangle 76X40X22H inches white
:round tanks:
:350 gal. 6' 2"X25"H red/green/ash/tan or blue 78 lbs.
:350 gal. 6'X 2'H red/blue or green 68 lbs.
:400 gal. 6.8'X 2'H black only 72 lbs.
:597 gal. 8X 2'H red blue green 90 lbs.
:700 gal. 8.5'X 25.5"H red/grn/ash/tan or blue 111 lbs.

:I'm trying to decide which one to get. I'd really like to get a rectangle tub but I wonder if its dimensions might be too small for an adult alligator snapper. Any thoughts on that?

:Those 8' models would provide the most space but I wonder how feasible it will be to find room for one of them. Does anybody have one that big? Size wise, the 400 gallon toter tank seems like the best compromise. But of course they don't offer anything but black. That leaves me looking at one of the 350 gallon models in a better color. Then I think, 'gosh, that's not a whole lot bigger than that rectangle shaped 300 gallon model I'd prefer.' What would you guys get? Does anybody have a supplier of larger rectangle tanks or 400-500 gallon round tanks that come in a lighter color?


Just my opinion but I think they feel more secure in a black tank. Tractor Supply Co. has a tub (6'x5'x2') for $150.Whether
or not it's big enough...I guess you'll find out if he's always trying to escape or not. Steve

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