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did you take any pics? n/p

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Posted by sk8r009 on December 23, 2002 at 17:09:27:

In Reply to: Its Alive! Its Alive! posted by Accomplice on December 23, 2002 at 14:29:23:

:"Big Red", my 19" shell length alligator snapping turtle woke up today. He's been in super slow-mo since I got 'em a couple of months back. The weather has been mild the last 24 hours (upper 50's-lower 70's). I lifted up the lockable latice (spelling?) lid on his pond today to let some more direct sunlight in. His water level had dropped again so I ran the hose into his pond for a bit. I guess the slightly warmer water and / or the extra sunlight woke him up. He actually started walking around and stuck his head out for a look around. I can't recall having seen him take a breath before. I also can't recall him waking up on his own before. He'd been moving so slowly it made me wonder if it was my eyes playing tricks or if he was actually ever moving. Now he's checking out every bit of his pond. These things are just such incredible animals. Its far more interesting to watch now that he's a bit animated.

:He seemed to be searching for food so I dumped 4 dozen 4-5 inch shiners in there with him. They seem to expire on their own fairly quickly at times so I hope he snags some soon.


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