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Re: Alligator Snappers I bought

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Posted by Gamera on December 18, 2002 at 00:55:44:

In Reply to: Alligator Snappers I bought posted by Covenant on December 17, 2002 at 20:34:14:

Hiya Covenant-

Congrats on your new turtles!!

Well, it seems like Kevin (aka Accomplice) has most of your questions.

As far as water depth, as long as your snappers can keep their feet on the bottom and stretch their necks up to the surface to get some air, that is the deepest you should go. Remember, ali'snaps are bottom walkers, they do not swim.

Depending where you live, you may or may not need a heater. The prefered water temp should be between 78-84. Anything outside of that, they may not eat. Also, a heater must be 3-5 watts per gallon. Meaning, if you have a 20 gal. tank, the heater must be between 60-100 watt. I know most of us ali'snap owners do not fill the tank entirely, but that is the calculation I have been using. Of course you want to have a thermometer in use at all times.

Also, depending on the length of the heater you choose, there are heater guards made specifically to protect fishes from touching heaters. These are usually available right next to the heaters.

Good Luck with your new shelled ones.


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