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Re: Possibly infected tail???

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Posted by Accomplice on December 17, 2002 at 20:37:00:

In Reply to: Re: Possibly infected tail??? posted by Covenant on December 17, 2002 at 19:49:44:

Wow, you've got your hands full. There are some folks around this site that are looking for larger alligator snappers if he's more than you need. I take it he has his own separate tank, eh? He'd make snacks of those hatchling commons. If you get a chance post some pics of your collection. It sounds like you have some nice turts.


Hey. Well yeah it would help to feed them more but it's hard to keep food in there all the time. I feed them 5 dozen guppies every other day or so now and they eat them all with in 45 minutes usually. And when I put (I'm not sure how many but I think) 10 dozen guppies they lasted about a day. Then they were gone. I have no idea where they put it. Any ways should I feed them any thing else besides guppies and meal worms? I just got a big container of Reptomin today I was just gonna try them on that. Also I just got 3 Alligator Snappers today. I ordered them from an individual off of Kingsnakes Classifieds and he shipped them to me on Monday and they arrived today. 2 hatchlings and a (He said a 6 inch shell) 8 inch Alligator Snapper. He was bigger then I thought he was going to be. But I found a place for him. I'm just looking to get a heater for him. Thanks for the response though.

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