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Re: Ever have to neuter a snapper?

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Posted by teepee on December 17, 2002 at 07:26:26:

In Reply to: Ever have to neuter a snapper? posted by Covenant on December 16, 2002 at 23:55:46:

He didn't neuter him, he cut off his penis.

:About three to four years ago I had three common snapping turtles that were about 4 to 6 inches I belive if I remember correctly. Well the biggest of the three suddenly started to I guess hit maturity because he always wanted to mount the other two. Well I can't remember why the vet said but his "stuff" ended up getting stuck outside of him. So I took him to the only reptile vet in the area. Which by the way while I was a kid my father got this vet a pair of mata mata turtles when they were cheap. LOL Welp he looked at the snapper and he ended up cutting most of his "stuff" off and got the little bit that was left back inside and put a stich or two on him. I had him for about a year after that when I had to get rid of him because of certian circumstances. But during that time he lived just like a happy snapper (or as happy as they can be.) Just he never did try to mount the other turtles any more. Just thought I would throw that out to you guys. I thought it was kind of a funny story. Just felt bad for him. Never heard of a turtle being neuterd until then. LOL

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