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Re: Whats his carapace length?

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Posted by gpalasz on December 10, 2002 at 07:39:07:

In Reply to: Whats his carapace length? posted by Gamera on December 09, 2002 at 16:08:57:

:Nice ali'snap.

:You got him 8 years ago? I wonder when Mr. Richards started selling ali'snaps?

I believe hes been selling for quit a while. If I can recall..he was jus about 6 weeks or so. He came in the mail in one of those clear "boxes" that you get blueberrys or strawberrys in at the grogery store. No bigger than a 50 cent piece. That was packed in a regular cardboard box and came in the He was healthy and happy. well..not too happy. HAd him in a 10 gal setup w/ a duetto 100 model filter. Then 20 a big rubbermaid. As far as carapace length ill get a measure so i can give you an exact #. I took better pics of him last i'll post soon.
:Could you please tell us what is his carapace length so we can kinda have an idea on ali'snap growth data.

:Also, what kind of husbandry are you providing it, just curious to find out how other big turt keepers are raising these behemoths.


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