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Re: I notice you have a pump . . .

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Posted by teepee on November 29, 2002 at 12:32:33:

In Reply to: Re: I notice you have a pump . . . posted by Accomplice on November 29, 2002 at 10:12:51:

Those plastic storage crates or the crates that gallons of milk are shipped in should suffice to keep your pump protected.


:Thanks for the info. That's good to know for when this guy wakes up from his wintery dreamland. He's been pretty sedate since his arrival (because of cooler weather?). He may start monkeying with the pump when things warm up. I'll look into a way to protect it.


::Hiya Kevin-

::I noticed you have a pump in your ali'snap pond. I hope yours is nothing like mine, cause he took a taste out of his and pretty much destroyed the pump and the hose connected to it.

::Thats why my set up is a overflow filter. Where the turtle water drains from the top into a 75 gal rubbermaid tub full of bio-balls and a pond filter pad and then is pumped back into its tub via a spray bar. I'm planning to hook up a big heater and a chemical filter in the near future (in other words, till I get more fundage). I won't put anything in its water unless its food. He tends to bite first and then ask questions later.



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