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Posted by Gamera on November 21, 2002 at 01:02:39:

In Reply to: Re: sk8r009 PLease any information you have posted by Darkhaven on November 20, 2002 at 21:26:37:

Hiya Darkhaven-

Thats great that you have decided to include a ali'snap to your turtle collection.

What sk8r009 said is pretty much what is required when dealing with a loggerhead.

But unlike your other turtles, ali'snaps are more reclusive and not very active at all. They tend to hide alot and only coming out to breath or eat.

It seems that their diet in the wild consists of a combination of protein and plant matter. Protein in the way of water fowl, coons, possums, gators, fish and other turtles. But many types of nuts have been found in the scats (poop) such as acorns and tupelo (sp?). But a captive diet of Reptomin, Zoomed, Turtle Brittle, shrimp, crayfish, earthworms, fish, chicken, roadkill (when it gets bigger), and neighbors cats (just kiddin) will also do well.

Like all aquatic turtles, a good filtration unit is necessary to keep his environment clean. Like sk8r009 mentioned, the bigger the turt, the bigger the turd.

Also, they seem happiest with the temp being around 80-82. Below 75 it will probably stop eating.

Another thing, most ali'snaps don't bask (although I've heard of some doing it), females are the only ones to come out to lay their eggs. These guys are one of the most aquatic turtles.

Try not to mix it with other aggressive eating turtles, they tend to be on the slow side when it comes to competition, which means they never get their share of the meal. But later it'll make a meal outta its tank mates.

They are not as personable as RES and commons, they won't come to the front of the glass and beg for food, or bask and do funny poses under the basking light. I like them cause its like having a dinosaur in your room (or garage, or patio, or pool, or . . .)

Good Luck and if you have anymore ???'s, just post it.

Happy Holidays,

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