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Re: Great pictures! Questions>>>>

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Posted by Bill Moss on October 26, 2002 at 10:36:42:

In Reply to: Great pictures! Questions>>>> posted by jupa on October 26, 2002 at 00:36:06:

The common snappers are from Iowa - age unknown. One of them was a long term captive and the other was rescued from a processing plant (I think). They are owned by Lynn Devries who also posted to this forum.

Lynn can provide the husbandry details better than I can so I will defer to him.


:How old is that 50 pounder? If wild caught is it from Minn?
:I was also wondering how long the alligator snappers are kept at 40 degrees?
:I have 3 common snappers, 2 florida snappers, 2 central american snappers and 2 alligator snappers.
:I live in Ohio and have already brought everyone in for the winter except for my adult common snappers.
:This is the first time I have let my adult snappers stay in water this cold (40-50) for any extended period. I was just too nervous to leave the alligator snappers and the other more tropical subspecies out there.
:Thanks for any feedback and I look forward to more amazing snapper pics!

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