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Food Quantity

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Posted by Accomplice on May 07, 2003 at 09:46:45:

In Reply to: Food Quantity posted by Maxx MacLeod on May 06, 2003 at 23:23:00:


Thanks for the info. I'll cut back to one chick every other day and cut back on the crawfish as well. Now I need to find some acorns.


:Kevin-- I think you're feeding your Loggerhead WAY too much. Now keep in mind, this is only a personal opinion based on my experience with Loggerheads and based on conversations I've had with John Richards (Loggerhead Acres), the Alligator Snapper breeder. My big guy only gets fed a large fish twice a month. John (the breeder) feeds his breeder adults turkey necks twice a month before egg laying and only once a month after egg laying has taken place. And he's been doing that for years, with excellent results. You have to keep in mind that Alligator Snappers are a very unique species of turtle. And they are very slow...slow metabolism, slow growth, slow everything. They don't need much food. As far as plants go...Alligator Snappers have been documented many times as really liking acorns, especially in the fall. Adults have been found during late season that are stuffed full of acorns! Weird, huh? So Loggerheads can subsist off of fish (and maybe acorn snacks) for years and do just fine. I'd cut back. A fat Alligator Snapper is a sad thing to see...and it's even harder to get them to lose fat once its been deposited. I hope that helps, Kevin. --Maxx

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